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In a series of YouTube videos dubbed ARIA STATION, IA and ONE introduced their home-world known as Planet ARIA. Planet ARIA is described as a world similar to Earth with various life forms that resonate and co-exist together, several of whom raised IA & ONE.Īccording to a livestream in June 2021, HIPPI taught IA how to play guitar before she came to earth. HIPPI was regarded as a strict teacher to her. IA had no official age up until March 4, 2022, where she was confirmed to be 16 years old. ' Aria', is also the Italian word for 'air' and is used as a term in opera for expressive pieces, usually sung by a single singer.The words 'Aria' and 'Planetes' are Latin and Greek for 'open space' and 'planet' respectively, giving the translation of 'Open Space on the Planet'.There are at least two ways to read her projects name of '- ARIA ON THE PLANETES -': 'IA' is taken from her voice provider's name, 'Lia'.

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